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Couples Coaching

A safe space for growth, fostering healthy relationships through intimacy, honesty, and anatomy.

30 min
111 dólares australianos
Consult call only, the cost will be refunded if you sign up for a coaching pack

Descripción del servicio

Kiki offers a transformative coaching container designed to bring you and your partner closer through sessions that may include Bodywork, nervous system rewiring, techniques for slow and feminine sex, and orgasmic breathwork. Experience an exploration of archetypes like Lilith and Aphrodite along with an in-depth understanding of female sexual response and anatomy. Learn about emotional intelligence, and honesty, guidance on lunar mysteries and blood magic, Integrating new neural pathways for pleasure and sensuality, tools for living in harmony with your cyclic nature. Enhance your skills in setting boundaries and cultivating a deeper connection with yourself and your partner. Ready to Transform? If you're feeling a resounding "YES!" to embracing your femininity, sensuality, and sexuality, I am here to guide you on this empowering journey. To find out more information, book in a consultation call via the button below. The cost of the call will be taken off from any of the coaching packages you decide to sign up to.

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