The nectar that is released from the yoni while it is being pleasured has long mystified, and continues to mystify, both yoni havers and yoni lovers alike. This is no doubt due to the lack of scientific research into it, along with much of female sexuality.
In this article I will be diving deep into the squirty waters to hopefully bring some clarity around this mystical phenomenon.

First of all, there are multiple ways in which our yoni shares its sacred waters. There are differing viscosities, quantities, compositions, colours and functions.
We have our:
1. cervical nectar, indicating the
phases of our cycle and fertility.
2. We have our menstrual flow, comprised of blood, cervical nectar and endometrial tissue.
3. We have our natural lubrication, which can happen during arousal, or not.
4. We have our ejaculatory fluids (aka FE- Female Ejaculate), and our squirting fluids (aka SQ- Squirt).
This article however will be focusing on our ejaculatory and squirting nectar.
Up until recently, all fluids expelled from the yoni during arousal and orgasm were deemed to be FE, the fluid of which coming from either the paraurethral glands, also known as the "Skene's glands" (you guessed it, another man's name), or as a result of incontinence during intercourse.
A recent review of studies on FE was done however, (2022) to compare research to date on the fluids expelled during sexual arousal orgasm, in order to see what the differences are in these phenomenons, if any. From the analysis in this review, the two fluids (FE & SQ) are seen as similar, in the way that they are both involved in female pleasure, and are both liquids that are expelled from the body, though they are both mechanically and compositionally different.
Squirt fluid is currently described as a "transurethral expulsion of approximately 10 milliliters or more of transparent fluid", with the fluid being "a form of urine" (not urine itself), containing various concentrations of urea, creatinine, and uric acid (Pastor & Chmel, 2017), along with a marginal amount of prostatic secretions. This fluid is expelled as a result of a huge transurethral orgasmic expulsion of the urinary bladder.
While there are similar substances in SQ as in urine, SQ is not urine in and of itself, which is why it is odourless, and clear rather than yellow. Urine on the other hand also includes waste products and ammonia, hence the smell and colour. SQ is therefore not associated with coital incontinence (CI), or peeing during sex. It has its own compositional nectar, mechanism and experience, and is not to be confused with your ordinary old pee.

Female ejaculate however, is described as a "secretion of a few milliliters of thick fluid" (Pasto & Chmel, 2022), which is a very small amount in comparison to SQ, and originates/is secreted from the paraurethral glands. FE also has a high concentration of prostate-specific antigen which is very different to the SQ fluid. The two functions can happen at the same time, though the mechanisms involved are entirely different (Pastel & Chmel, 2022).
In addition, female ejaculate usually contains fructose, which is a form of sugar. Fructose is also generally present in male semen where it acts as an energy source for sperm.
Experts believe that the PSA and fructose present in the fluid come from the para-urethral glands, (aka Skene's glands, Garter's duct, minor vestibule glands, and female prostate).
The paraurethral glands sit on the front, inside wall of the vagina near the G-spot. Researchers believe that stimulation causes these glands to produce PSA and fructose, which then move into the urethra.
It is important to include the following information:
female ejaculation or squirting is not always the be all and end all of orgasms. These orgasms or expulsions can range from profoundly emotional, pleasurable, relieving, releasing, clearing and healing for some, to annoying a non-event, and even shameful for others.
It can also be damaging for the pelvic floor for people who try to push it with squirting. It is easy for some yoni havers, and not for others and it is important that we do not create a feeling of inadequacy surrounding this leading to potential harm of the yoni.
Some people may never squirt, while others may only give these sacred waters to a person that truly deserve them. Some may only ever do it once on a one night stand. Which is all ok!
We are totally perfect just as we are. However, if you would like to explore further, take some time to do some GENTLE practice.
If you are interested in understanding your yoni, yoni nectar and pleasure potential deeper you may like to check out my Premium Pleasure Package that includes so much yummy goodness for yoni lovers and havers, along with a squirtshop tutorial, which I highly recommend if you are feeling called to explore this practice deeper.
May the pleasure be with you allll
Kiki xox